The following timeline consists of known years, events, and travels involving Ben and Ned. Not all of these years were mentioned specifically in the novels, they were pieced together from contextual information.
- 1341: The English village of Chapelvale is granted to Caran De Winn.
- 1607: Ben is born.
- 1608: Ruzlina Razan dies while giving birth to Adamo Bregon.
- 1610: Edouard Bregon is murdered, Adamo Bregon is kidnapped by the Razan.
- 1616: Ned is born.
- 1620: Ben and Ned meet in the country of Denmark, voyage across the sea in the Fleiger Hollander, and become immortal.
- 1620-1623: Ben and Ned wash ashore in Tierra Del Fuego, and are rescued by Luis the Shepherd, whom they stay with for 3 years.
- 1623: Luis the Shepherd dies.
- 1628: Ben and Ned ally with Captain Raphael Thuron in Cartagena, Colombia. Their travels take them to Veron, France, where they rescue Adamo Bregon from the Razan.
- 1650: The pirate Al Misurata is born.
- 1703: Ben and Ned travel the Mediterranean, from Libya to Italy, pursuing Al Misurata in their attempt to rescue the Travelling Rizzoli Troupe.
- 1865: Ben and Ned happen to be in a barn in Kansas City, Missouri, during the American Civil War.
- 1896: Ben and Ned save Chapelvale from being overrun by London criminals.