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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Rats, which include sea rats, bilge rats, water rats, tavern rats, and regular rats, are almost exclusively bad beasts and consist of the majority of villains in the Redwall saga. Amongst vermin species, rats are the most common and seldom assume leadership roles.

Consequently, they are often seen as the lowest sort of "paw" soldier in vermin hordes. There are, however, exceptions. Some rats are noted as fearsome warriors and/or shrewd leaders, with Cluny the Scourge as the most notorious example. There is a rare breed of powerful rats, greatrats, only seen in the Rapscallions army.

Are all rats evil in Redwall?[]

Yes. Generally, rats in the Redwall series are considered to be evil characters.

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