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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Doomeye was a male rat former corsair and the brother of Ripfang. He was a formidable foe when using a bow and arrows. Doomeye was considered to be the best archer in the Blue Hordes of Ungatt Trunn, and was ordered by Trunn to slay the Badger Lord Brocktree while the wildcat initiated single combat with him. He and his brother were then ordered to climb to the top of Salamandastron, with Ripfang serving as lookout and Doomeye acting as a sniper.

During the duel, however, the plot to kill Brocktree went wrong. The original flight trajectory of the arrow had been targeted at the badger's head, but right after the arrow was released, Brocktree moved, causing the arrow to strike him in the shoulder rather than the head. Ruffgar Brookback saw the arrow and quickly dispatched Doomeye with a javelin. Ripfang, his brother, fled the scene.

Not to be confused with the Doomwytes.
