The Fur and Freedom Fighters were a group of former Fort Marshank slaves who allied with the Rambling Rosehip Players and assaulted their previous captors. There were several skirmishes between the Fur and Freedom Fighters and their main enemy, Badrang the Tyrant's Army. They finally received victory at the Battle of Marshank though they experienced heavy losses, including Felldoh and Laterose of Noonvale. Rowanoak sewed their standard, a green flag with a javelin slicing through a chain.
Known Fur and Freedom Fighters[]
- Ballaw De Quincewold (WIA)
- Barkjon
- Brome
- Buckler
- Celandine
- Felldoh (KIA)
- Gauchee
- Groot
- Hoopoe
- Juniper (KIA)
- Kastern
- Keyla (WIA)
- Rowanoak
- Trefoil
- Tullgrew
- Yarrow (WIA)
The Fur and Freedom Fighters appear in Martin the Warrior.