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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Jinty Witherspyk was a young female hedgehog actress in Oakheart's Performing Players. She was the daughter of Oakheart and Dymphnia Witherspyk, and the sister of Jiddle, Auroria, Trajidia, Rambuculus, and Dubdub.

She and her twin brother Jiddle were kidnapped by Ravagers along with Flib and taken to Althier, where they were imprisoned with the other babes. After they escaped, she returned to Redwall Abbey with her family.

Jinty and Jiddle would cheer up the imprisoned babes when they'd get upset. She and her brother were the only other mature ones besides Tura, Midda, and Flandor.
