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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Korvus Skurr was the raven leader of the Doomwytes, and a descendant of Rigvar Skurr. Skurr's primary goal was to restore pride and glory to his horde by retrieving the eyes of the Great Doomwyte Idol, stolen in seasons past by Gonff the Mousethief.

Skurr was incredibly superstitious and wore a smoothsnake named Sicariss as a crown, who acted as his adviser. Sicariss exploited Skurr's paranoia, and the raven believed the snake could communicate with Welzz, a catfish who resided in a lake inside his lair. He was dependent on advice from "Welzz" on most issues, and made sacrifices of enemies and some of his Wytes for the fish to devour.

At one point in his reign, Korvus was responsible for the death of Zaran the Black's mate and daughter. Having sworn revenge against the Chief Doomwyte, Zaran attempted to collapse the cavern in which he lived for many seasons, though he was unaware of her presence.

Skurr made a pact with Baliss the Slayer, the blind adder, who was to intimidate the creatures of Redwall Abbey on his behalf. Skurr later regretted this decision when Baliss turned on him and killed his Wytes. The raven was terrified of the adder, but had no means to stop him, causing Skurr to lose respect among his followers. The agreement also caused Sicariss to grow distant from Korvus, eventually leading to his discovery of her deception. He threw her to Welzz in a fit of anger.

When Baliss invaded the Doomwyte cavern, Korvus tried to lure him to Welzz to be killed, but lost all hope when Baliss killed the giant fish instead. Skurr attempted to flee in the subsequent battle between the Doomwytes and the woodlanders, but was caught, dragged into the river, and drowned by Zaran the Black.


  • Korvus' name is derived from the Latin word "corvus," meaning raven.