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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
This article is about an ROC person. If that person is you, and you want information removed, please see the talk page.

LordTBT, by anonymous

Lord Trawnbull Thickstripe (also known as LordTBT) is the founder and lead administrator for the Redwall Wiki; he is from the United States. As of 2023, he is one of the longest serving members of the Redwall Online Community.

ROC History[]

LordTBT has been involved with the ROC since 1997, beginning with the Long Patrol Club. TBT contributed there mainly in the form of editorials, The Sword of Martin pass-a-long story, and forum attendance.


Fort Firemountain logo

From about 1997-1999, LordTBT ran a very small Redwall club called Fort Firemountain, located at Geocities: At one time, it had upwards of 60 members.

In October 2005, he founded the Redwall Wiki.

Character Profile[]

The actual character of LordTBT has not been invoked in many years, but this was the original biography:

Lord Trawnbull Thickstripe was the last of the Salamandastron Badger Lords, and also the mightiest in terms of physical strength. His weapon of choice was a large broadsword.

The character was inspired by Rawnblade Widestripe, and presumed to be a descendant.


Related Sites[]

This person is a Redwall Wiki user: Redwall Wiki User