Oleander Lightstep was a female mouse resident of Lilygrove. She studied with Friar Thomas Beechwhite, and hoped to expand her studies at Redwall Abbey.
Official Description[]
Oleander is a young Lilygrove mouse, several years younger than Liam and Sophia. She is particularly close with Cloverdown. She belongs in a world of books rather than pitchforks; she's quite intelligent, and would love to become Pickerel's apprentice, if he'd allow it. Instead, she spends much of her time with Thomas, who is like a father to her, and whose library she frequently finds herself lost in. Star gazing, cloud gazing, and field gazing are among her hobbies. She is highly organized, with a love of charts and maps, and dreams of sneaking into Pickerel's study in the catacombs, if only he'd leave the door unlocked...
While she is typically shy, her silliness often comes out when under pressure, or when she's with others she is comfortable with. A bit of a daydreamer, she is still able to get to business quicjly when needed. She has the patience to thresh during harvest, but lacks the physicality to do much else. If you spend some time with her, she will soon eagerly share her fascination for academia, literature, and storytelling.