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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Pallum, also known as Pallum the Peaceful, was a male hedgehog who was the ancestor of Bultip. Pallum was captured by Queen Amballa at a young age and used as a nurse until Martin the Warrior, Rose, and Grumm Trencher freed him. He accompanied them throughout their adventures, and may even have contributed to Badrang the Tyrant's death by blocking a tunnel which had been dug into Fort Marshank.

Nelvana Redwall TV Series[]

In the Nelvana Redwall TV Series, Pallum is portrayed as female. Lead writer Steve Roberts said this decision was "A mystery. Although I recall some debate over this I can't recall the conclusion. Maybe it was one of those character compression decisions we often face?"

Another difference from the novel includes Pallum narrowly falling to her death. While Grumm and Martin are attacked by the angry bees, Pallum is among the two getting stung; in Martin the Warrior, Pallum stays at the crossroads. During the final attack against Fort Marshank, Pallum used the tunnel from the rear to join in the fight; in the TV series, Pallum was among the javelin throwers with Rose, Brome, Keyla, and Rowanoak.
