Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

The Redwall Wiki has 3,404 articles, inclusive of 2,070 character pages. From this information, we can extrapolate all kinds of interesting Redwall Data. This data portrayed here is inclusive of all characters in the Redwall novels, the Nelvana Redwall TV Series, and The Lost Legends of Redwall video games.

Redwall Character Statistics[]

Ever wonder what percentage of Redwall characters consist of a certain species or gender?

Redwall Character Statistics
Males Females Unknown Gender
67.63% 24.15% 6.96%
Villains Grey Characters Grey Vermin
34.44% 2.66% 1.16%
Mice Badgers Squirrels
9.57% 2.56% 6.04%
Hares Moles Otters
10.87% 7.15% 8.41%
Shrews Hedgehogs Voles
7.39% 7.39% 1.88%
Rats Stoats Weasels
13.53% 3.04% 4.25%
Ferrets Foxes Birds
3.09% 3% 5.12%
Reptiles Cats Pine Martens
1.79% 1.35% 0.14%
Dormice Rabbits Bats
1.11% 0.39% 0.34%
  • Calculation involves species category and characters category.

Redwall Character Exact Counts[]

Redwall Character Exact Counts
Males Females Unknown Gender
1,400 500 144
Villains Grey Characters Grey Vermin
713 55 24
Mice Badgers Squirrels
198 53 125
Hares Moles Otters
225 148 174
Shrews Hedgehogs Voles
153 153 39
Rats Stoats Weasels
280 63 88
Ferrets Foxes Birds
64 62 106
Reptiles Cats Pine Martens
37 28 3

Redwall Book Character Counts[]

Total number of characters in each Redwall novel.

Redwall Book Character Counts
Redwall Mossflower Mattimeo
76 108 96
Mariel of Redwall Salamandastron Martin the Warrior
108 99 104
The Bellmaker Outcast of Redwall Pearls of Lutra
107 123 93
The Long Patrol Marlfox The Legend of Luke
96 71 100
Lord Brocktree Taggerung Triss
96 81 93
Loamhedge Rakkety Tam High Rhulain
98 102 92
Eulalia! Doomwyte The Sable Quean
95 77 94
The Rogue Crew

Redwall Villain Statistics[]

Redwall Villain Statistics
Rats Stoats Weasels
39.27% 8.84% 12.34%
Ferrets Foxes Cats
8.98% 8.7% 3.93%
Pine Martens
  • Calculation involves species category and villains category.

Redwall Bird Statistics[]

Redwall Bird Statistics
Crows Eagles Falcons
6.6% 1.89% 5.66%
Geese Goshawks Herons
1.89% 1.89% 2.83%
Kites Magpies Ospreys
3.77% 6.6% 1.89%
Owls Ravens Sparrows
21.7% 9.43% 11.32%
  • Calculation involves individual bird species category and birds category.