Scruvo was the male leader of a gang of jackdaws who resided in Saint Ninian's Church. He was attracted to shiny objects, like most of his kind. Scruvo was a thief, and he was responsible for taking one of the Tears of all Oceans from a house martin's nest in Redwall Abbey.
He and his gang viciously attacked Craklyn, Gerul, Piknim, and Tansy; Tansy, Craklyn, and an injured Gerul survived, but Piknim unfortunately died in the assault.
Scruvo was killed by Rangapaw, the daughter of Skipper. His actions led to the permanent destruction of Saint Ninian's via immolation by the Redwallers.
Scruvo was minor character, nothing else is known.
- Scruvo is the only named jackdaw in the Redwall series.
- Scruvo was never identified by name by any of the characters; his name was only ever identified in the narration.
- Unlike most bird characters in the Redwall universe, Scruvo's dialogue only consists of bird squawks.