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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Snowfur's Redwall Encyclopedia was an integral part of the Redwall Online Community from May 18, 1997 until June 25, 2008. Originally hosted at, the website founded by Snowfur was known for listing almost every Redwall character with a one to two phrase description up through the novel Loamhedge. The Encyclopedia also listed various Redwall information, character images, and several book covers. Snowfur had fan art and writings, including her once prominent 'Mossflower Talk', a Redwall talk show.


After residing at the domain for five years, Snowfur moved the site to on October 5, 2003. Previously, the redirect domain welcome(dot)to/redwall was also used.

After 2003, the Encyclopedia stopped being regularly updated. In an announcement on June 25, 2008, Snowfur officially retired the Redwall Encyclopedia.

Some time after 2020, Snowfur's Redwall Encyclopedia was taken offline.

Faces of Snowfur's Redwall Encyclopedia[]

Various looks of the Encyclopedia:

Related Sites[]
