Is Gurrbowl really in three books? The Fivemole Burr Aye, Gurt Zurrs!! 00:21, April 20, 2012 (UTC)
In The Cellar, she is listed as not in Marlfox, but Diggum, a character almost identical, is listed in Marlfox in the list of Foremoles. The Fivemole Burr Aye, Gurt Zurrs!! 04:06, April 20, 2012 (UTC)
That makes absolutely no sense. Like, 85% of the characters here appear in one book. Cregga Rose Eyes being in 3 is a huge deal because almost no other character had a lifespan of more than 2 books. Even if these moles were dibbuns when they first appeared, they’ve got to be seriously old by the time of Marlfox. BirdOfBlueFeathers22 (talk) 03:09, 12 September 2024 (UTC)
Sorry for asking, but I just though three books was a large time for a mole. So this means that the cellars should be edited? The Fivemole Burr Aye, Gurt Zurrs!! 05:07, April 21, 2012 (UTC)
I know this probably has been thought up before, I was thinking that since Diggum and Gurrbowl are female and male in Pearls of Lutra, and this is reversed in The Long Patrol, that maybe while Brian Jacques was making The Long Patrol, he forgot which belonged to which gender. So he decided to go with what he thought he remembered, and that was that there was one male and one female, so he accidentally reversed them. --You're always welcome at my mountain. [[image:Defenders.jpg 18:18, July 24, 2015 (UTC)