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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information


Pontedaria is the sixth and final level of The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act II.


As the Lilygrovers attempt to escape Camp Silversands, Cheesethief and the rats spot them on the roof of the warehouse. Glimber, having worked in the mine, notes that a lever could be pulled on a nearby dam, the entire camp would be flooded. They act quickly, and water fills the area.

The woodlanders flee Silversands, and in the nearby woods, it's determined that Sophia Ryemaid, Liam Rivermouse, Tussa Pawsnettle, and Glimber will continue to the Winsome Wraith, while the others return home with supplies.

The group arrives at Pontedaria, an abandoned fishing village. As they make their way through it, Scumsnout appears, seeking vengeance on the mice.

He gives chase to Sophia, while the others prepare to get away. As Sophia runs, Scumsnout falls down a pit.

The crew finally arrives at Winsome Wraith, and Valo Scrimpaw greets them.



The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act II Levels

Prologue | Old Moss Creek | The Captain | Silversands | The Pantry | Pontedaria
