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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

Act 3 - Winsome Wraith

Winsome Wraith is the first level of The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act III. It takes place immediately following the ending of The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act II.


Sophia Ryemaid, Liam Rivermouse, Glimber, and Tussa Pawsnettle arrive at the home of Valo Scrimpaw, the Winsome Wraith, a large ship in the middle of Mossflower Woods.

Valo agrees to heal Liam, however he needs Sophia's assistance in locating nearby herbs. She helps him find gingko, valerian, and nastertium around the ship. Valo prepares medicine for Liam, while Sophia shows him the Tangram, which he says they'll discuss later.

At dinner, Valo insists that they travel to Redwall Abbey, where there are better healers.

Their meal is interrupted by the Cheesethief and his sea rats, and Sophia, Liam, Glimber, and Tussa make their escape from Winsome Wraith.

The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act III Levels

Winsome Wraith | Portman's Slough | Grating Gulley | Fool of a Stoat | The Otters' Den | Cavern Hole
