Friar Thomas Beechwhite
Friar Thomas Beechwhite was a male mouse Lilygrove resident, and a church friar. He lived on Sexton's Hill, and helped Liam Rivermouse and Sophia Ryemaid escape into the Lilygrove Catacombs after the town was attacked by sea rats.
Official Description[]
Thomas is the local “shepherd” for lack of a better word. Without a formal religion here though his role should be understood on a purely personal level where he offers comfort and advice, more like a counsellor than a priest. As a result he is a deeply compassionate creature always looking out for the betterment of others, at least their mental and emotional state, but is basically useless in the wilderness.
Thomas looks after the inner health of the Lilygrove community. Offering wisdom, comfort and advice in his primary capacity he is a deeply compassionate creature always looking out for the betterment of others, at least their mental and emotional state, but is basically useless in the wilderness. He has he ability to gently lead and inspire without forcing his opinion and is always there and ready to listen and provide guidance if solicited or sympathetic agreement if preferred. He spends a lot of time keeping Sextant’s Hill meeting areas, including its graveyard, tidy and prepared for events. Any beast who needs a quiet place is welcome to the candlelit cathedral and no matter the time day or night, Thomas will be there for you.