Hello everyone, tis been some time since i've visited this site last.
I would like to make it known that, regrettably, I will be abandoning my fan fictions on this site. This would encompass Ice Queen, Haunted and Vengeance for the Beloved. Anyone who wishes to adopt any one of these works can leave a message on my wall here, and I will get back to them as soon as I can. If there is no response within the remainder of this month and that of February, I will permanently remove the afore-said fanfictions from this site.
For those of you who may be considering adopting any of these fanfics, please leave any questions along with your request to adopt. Thank you for your time, it has been a pleasure writing for your enjoyment
Ariyh, Scriptor mirifice 02:54, January 29, 2013 (UTC)