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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information

AsmodeusTheAdder03 AsmodeusTheAdder03 11 September 2022

Cross-name characters

Seeing as I recently made a post about cross-book characters, and just yesterday noted the ambiguous mention of a "Mariel of Redwall" character in it's sequel, "The Bellmaker", I tnought I'd bring up something I found put recently.

I knew there were quite a few characters in Redwall who share the same name---the most famous case being the two Ripfangs (who, despite what Mr. Jacques says, are often considered the same character), and the two Martins (eventually revealed to be three). There's also the Foremoles, Log-a-Logs and Skippers, of course, but those are just titles; one positive element of the series as it progressed was that Mr. Jacques stopped calling them exclusively by those titles.

However, there are apparently also no fewer than…

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AsmodeusTheAdder03 AsmodeusTheAdder03 1 September 2022

Cross-book characters

So some of you might have seen my comment on the talk page for Chibb, where I mentioned that of 194 characters who appear over the course of "Mossflower" and the alleged sequel, "The Legend of Luke", only 14 are involved in both books. Now, "Luke" is hardly a sequel to "Mossflower", seeing as a good portion of the former is set before the latter. But it got me curious about how many characters appear between the two instances in the the series of direct sequels: "Mattimeo" to "Redwall", and "The Bellmaker" to "Mariel of Redwall".

As it turns out, there are only 14 who appear in both of the latter pair as well, and there are 201 characters who appear over the course of both books! The former pair, on the other hand, is a much less extreme ca…

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AsmodeusTheAdder03 AsmodeusTheAdder03 1 September 2021

Essay: The Crow Bretheren

The Redwall universe has given us many, many characters over the years. In most cases, these characters are either good or bad, with no gray areas in between. However, every once in a while, we get a character from a typically “good” species who isn’t a good character, and one from a “bad” species that isn’t bad. These characters will sometimes recieve discussion among fans simply for how they stand out among the generally black-and-white universe of the series.

But while some characters will stand out as explicitly gray, others may be more up for debate. Sometimes it’s not quite clear whether a character leans a certain way on the moral spectrum, or is just neutral. Today I’m going to be discussing a group of crows——a generally villainous …

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AsmodeusTheAdder03 AsmodeusTheAdder03 26 August 2021

Stuff I’m excited for in the Netflix TV series

The Netflix TV series is something I’m so excited about. In addition to all my favorite stuff adapted in the Nelvana books, we’ll get to see all the stuff that’s never been adapted. “Mossflower” has quite a bit of this so I’ll go through it all.

1). Argulor the eagle. Ah, yes, good old Argie. I can’t wait to see him in the Netflix version. Eagles are awesome and of the two that appeared in the series, he was by far my favorite.

2). Stormfin the pike. Another one of my favorites. Considering he fights the guy whom I think a videogame was based on, I think including him is necessary.

3). Deathcoil the snake. Unlike the other characters on this list, Deathcoil never appeared in an illustration (Lord Cayvear even appeared in one), so he’s nothin…

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