Dewfaces art page
drew for me. Thank you Rich!]] I think its pritty good, you?]] I didn't outline it with sharpie, this was before I started doing that.]]
Mossflower raido talk show 1
- 1 Introduction
- 2 One
- 3 Two
- 4 Three
Hello everybeast! I am the mighty Dewface and I am hosting a jolly celebrity talk show about animals who have made a mark in Redwall history! We will have gust stars and you may also contact me on my bally user page if you want to be a gust star, enjoy the show!
Spoiler warning: read with care if you have not read: Triss
"Hello chaps and chapesses! I am Dewface, the hairmaid everybeasts heard about! Today are our guests will be:Trisscar swordmaid, Grumm, Abbot Mortimor, and the legendary Asmoudeus!"
Triss:"Hi everybeast! Oh come on! You don't have to applaud!"
Asmoudeus:"Hello everybeassssst, ssssso nice to eat you!"
Grumm:"Hello! Hurr! Oi beez gurtly plezed to see you'm"
Abbot:"Oh hello Asmodeus! We're from …
Dewface's naughty and mighty days.
- 1 The biggining
- 2 Chapter 1
- 3 Chapter 2
- 4 Chapter 3
- 5 Chapter 4
- 6 Chapter 5
- 7 Chapter 6
- 8 Chapter 7
- 9 Chapter 8
- 10 Chapter 9
- 11 Chapter 10
There was a great fire next to the abby pond for the nameday feast and allbeasts were gatherd 'round. It was the Spring of the flood, and Dewface was a great story teller and Abbess. "Oh Abbess Dewface, will you tell us a story?" a pritty mousemaid named Lavender asked the old hare. "ho yes, tell us 'un's a story!" The celler hog, Durry quill asked. "Oh no, Im to old a hare to tell storys wot." She replied. "Oh! Pleaze?" "No!!" "Come on, tell us a story!" "Waaaaaaa!!" Finally, she gave in. "Ok ok! thats enough! I'll tell a great story. the story of my life....."
Dewface was taste testing the soup when The cook came busting …