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Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Redwall Wiki | Brian Jacques and Redwall Information
Contributed by LordTBT at 4:47 p.m GMT, 8 March 2024


The term "first edition" when it comes to books seems to have a different meaning depending on who you ask. To some, it means the original version of the book that was published. To others, it refers to a specific print run or impression. This terminology is the topic of much debate among book enthusiasts.

However, when it comes to a U.S. Redwall first edition, what should you look for? We're here to help collectors trying to locate this very specific book. Previously, we told you how to find the UK true first edition of Redwall by Brian Jacques.

Redwall was first published as a hardcover in the United States in 1987 by Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House. You're likely more than familiar with the classic Troy Howell cover artwork featuring Matthias wielding the sword of Martin the Warrior and Cluny the Scourge's horde, as seen at the top of this article. Some may describe any copy of this 1987 hardcover as a Redwall "first edition", but we're pretty confident that's not what a collector is necessarily looking for. Of course, everyone should own this novel as part of their complete Redwall set.

This hardcover book, of which there are many editions and prints, is simply the first trade edition. We call it the original Redwall. Just because you see this cover artwork and a listing describing it as a "first edition" doesn't mean you’ve successfully found one of the first editions to hit shelves back in the mid-80s. And unfortunately, we think quite a few people have been misled and/or ripped off by online retailers because of this terminology.

Generally, when you're looking for a true first edition of a book, sometimes described as the first print run or the first impression, you want to check the copyright page. Right above the Library of Congress data and below the publisher data, you'll spot a string of numbers. If you see a 1 anywhere in that string, congratulations you’ve located a first edition book! However, this is not the case with Redwall.

Let's look at some examples of Redwall copyright pages that signify IT IS NOT a first edition.

As you probably observed, no numeral ones or other descriptors on those pages, not true first editions. Instead, these are just later print runs of the original Redwall hardcover. And there's another factor that can indicate you have a later print run – the dust jacket. The text and font on these editions of Redwall are all 100% the same, with one key differentiator in the copy, and that's the price, which is located at the top of the left jacket flap. Over time, this price repeatedly increased.

Now let's look at some Redwall dust jackets that demonstrate IT IS NOT a first edition.

What Is A Redwall First Edition?[]

A true Redwall first edition hardcover is denoted by the text "First impression" on the copyright page and a $15.95 price on the dust jacket. If you want a 1987 Redwall first edition, Redwall first printing, or Redwall first impression, this is exactly what you need to be checking for before purchasing your book. See below for the correct copyright page and jacket flap.

Redwall Series Books First Editions[]

In the mid-1990s, later hardcover first edition books in the Redwall series were signified by a 1 in the string of numbers described above and the text "First American Edition". This then changed with Rakkety Tam, which switched back to the "First Impression" text, albeit with a 1 in the number string. From Doomwyte through The Rogue Crew, only the string of numbers with a 1 signified a first edition.

Now that you know what to look for, only one question remains. Do you have a true first edition of Redwall? Let us know in the comments!

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